No, really. It does.
OK, well, maybe it doesn't completely and all-encompassingly suck. (All-encompassingly is totally a word, right?) But I turned it on last night as background noise while I was falling asleep, and I realized something-when you're over the awesome effects and the guilty feeling you get for thinking Zoe Saldana is hot even when she's blue, the movie kinda sucks. Of course the effects are great and the production design is beautiful and blah blah blah, but let's be realistic-any reasonably intelligent person with half a billion dollars is capable of hiring incredibly talented people for obscene amounts of money to make their movie pretty. The plot itself? I think South Park got it right-it's Dances with Smurfs.
Moral of this post: if you want to see a story about high-tech outsiders coming in and taking over the natives' land but one of the outsiders learns that the way of the natives is better and decides to fight against his own people to defend their honor, rent Last of the Mohicans instead. The acting is better. (No offense meant to Zoe Saldana, of course.)
-Posted by Colleen