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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Horror Movie Remakes That Shouldn't Have Been

We all know that remakes can be a grave mistake. As they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Hence, I think it's high time for a list of the original classics that inspired the recent slew of horror movie remakes. If you're looking for a good movie to watch in honor of Halloween, take it from me-skip over the newer versions and reach for these instead. You'll definitely be happy you did!

1) Halloween (1978)
What, I repeat, WHAT, was Rob Zombie thinking when he remade this? No one could possibly be more bad-ass against Michael Myers than Jamie Lee Curtis. (It appears that Scout Taylor-Compton, the newest Laurie Strode incarnation, didn't even try.) The new Michael isn't even scary-what's scary about an abused child who breaks out of an institution in search for love and family and only kills when he's rejected? It almost makes him sympathetic. The original Michael was pure evil, plain and simple, with no rhyme or reason, which makes for a much creepier villain.

2) A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Let's face it, Freddy was creepier when he had a sense of humor. The newest incarnation, with Freddy as the angry spirit of a child molestor, is just gross. Robert Englund as the original Freddy managed to scare the pants off the audience while at the same time getting laughs, and Jackie Earl Haley as the new Freddy just doesn't pack quite the same punch. Plus, no teenage Johnny Depp in the newest version. So really, why bother?

3) Friday the 13th (1980)
The original has Kevin Bacon. Getting stabbed through the throat. Enough said.

4) The Stepford Wives (1975)
It absolutely breaks my heart that when kids today think of The Stepford Wives, they think of a bad Nicole Kidman comedy. Maybe I'm just biased as this is the first horror movie I ever saw, but this one still gives me chills. What's creepier than seeing your best friend suddenly turn into a picture-perfect housewife robot? Other than Robert Englund, pretty much nothing. Do yourself and the kids a favor, and introduce them to the original creepfest before they're tainted by the less-than-stellar remake (and that description is beyond generous).

5) The Amityville Horror (1979)
Ok, fine. The special effects in this movie are, shall we say, less than perfect. But once you get into it, you'll find yourself screaming right along with the cast when you see Jody the imaginary pig's eyes peeking in the window. I feel less strongly about this remake than the others, but given the choice, I still highly recommend the original over the newer version.

6) Psycho (1960)
Why anyone decided to remake Psycho shot-for-shot but then change the iconic shower scene is beyond me. This is the ultimate example of "if it ain't broke don't fix it". Hitchcock chose to shoot in black and white for a reason. It was a good one. And Vince Vaughn as Norman Bates? Not so much.

Moral of the story? Skip the remakes. The originals are iconic for a reason.

-Posted by Colleen


  1. Not so recently (1993), but similarly, the American version of "The Vanishing" is unworthy of its 1988 German inspiration.

  2. I am ashamed to admit that I haven't seen either one, but I'm inclined to believe you. Germans know their horror flicks.

