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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Chick Flicks That Deserve Recognition

As I've stated in previous posts, I'm normally not a huge "chick flick" person. I'd much rather watch zombies eat people's brains or Samuel L. Jackson shoot people than I would watch two people who hate each other slowly fall in love and live happily ever after (or at least happily-through-the-ending-credits, anyway). But despite my anti-girly-movie status, the other day I found myself watching not one, but TWO romantic comedies in one day. Highly unusual for me. Then I realized something-maybe I've been so busy lumping rom-coms together in one lousy heap that I've forgotten to acknowledge the true genius behind some of these films. Thus, my post today is in honor of rom-com goddess Nancy Meyers.

Nancy Meyers, the writer/director/producer of many a romantic comedy, is right up there with Nora Ephron as one of the queens of romance movies. Before writing, producing, and directing It's Complicated, the latest addition to the Meryl Streep canon, she was the brain behind a host of other witty classics, such as The Holiday, Something's Gotta Give (one of my personal favorites), What Women Want, and the movie my 7-year-old self based all of my childhood wedding fantasies on, the hit remake of Father of the Bride. Not only will these films melt your heart, but Meyers has a history of using strong, intoxicating female leads (Diane Keaton and Helen Hunt spring to mind...) and smart, often swoon-worthy male love interests. Her dialogue is fast-paced and funny, and her movies are not only intellectually smart, but have that rare touch of emotional intelligence to them that is so hard to find in lighter movies. Even I, with my prejudice against sappy movies, can't help watching almost all of her movies over and over and over again. (I've even worn out my copy of Something's Gotta Give, if you can believe that!)

So, the moral of the story-check out Nancy Meyers. You may find some new favorites (and men, there might even be a movie or two in there that you'll enjoy)!

-Posted by Colleen

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